From archaeological surveys to complex mitigation projects, DWE has the experience to meet your cultural resources needs throughout the Western, Central, and Southeastern United States.
DWE provides a wide range of biological and botanical services centered on the survey for and development of protection measures for threatened and endangered species throughout the Intermountain West.
Our professional geologists support our clients with geomorphological and geoarchaeological studies geared toward aeolian, biological, fluvial, hillslope, and glacial environments.
DWE's wetland scientists are experts at identifying, mapping, and evaluating wetlands and other water resources in the field and then use these data to assist our clients through the permitting process.
Our professional paleontologists have more than 60 years of combined experience in the collection, preparation, preservation, and identification of invertebrate, vertebrate, and botanical fossil specimens from the Western United States.
DWE scientists provide National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance support for environmental planning, design, construction, and operation of federal facilities; projects with federal funding; and large projects subject to NEPA review.